
All the world is alive for me.

I haven't slept more than 7 hours in total over the past four days because i'm over excited. A very recent condensed influx of all these amazingly interesting people have charged into my world and are changing everything. Its great. But also you know the times in your life when you have these realizations that keep you up all night discovering, creating, becoming. Its a period of rapid flux of the self, this awareness once stimulated comes so quickly it hits you like a plank in the face. Your mind stretches rapidly, expanding and extending through the whole web of life, through all beings, an expansion of the interconnectedness of everything at dizzying speeds. Its a process of driving out yourself and letting the universe in, and whilst its amazingly invigorating, its extremely exhausting at the same time. Your body can't keep up with the pace that your mind is metamorphosing. Thats right now. I am unquestionably in love with absolutely everything and everybody in this universe and the entirety of everything. I'm at absolute peace with this whole world. And although i feel so overwhelmed like my mind is going to implode, things are really quite beautiful right now  :) Goodnight.

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